also Western Academic Tomboy is SUCH a mood! I think I am Western Comfortable Tomboy haha – mainly I wear tshirts, jean shorts, and turquoise jewelry (and in PNW winters I cry lol)

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Love the new format! I love a theme.

Ben Goldfarb really is a fascinating outdoor/environmental writer. I enjoy Zak Podmore a lot too.

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I love Ben’s work! I’ll have to look up Zak Podmore - thanks for the tip!

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ummm if you ever decide to sell anything that you’ve purged, you should post that link 👀 i happen to be your same height/sizes 🤠 i started doing aerial about two years ago and it has improved my grip strength drastically. i do lyra and trapeze. also any time someone needs to carry something i offer to help and i say “im always working on my grip strength” lol. peter attia on armchair expert also convinced me it’s okay to take my trazodone to sleep sometimes (im a bad sleeper) and to help my hereditary high cholesterol with statins.

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Hey, we really liked Dark Winds on Netflix. Have you seen it?

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Have not - been looking for lighter fare as of late.

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I love the new format! Also I just ordered OUTLIVE - I keep seeing people talk about it, maybe it's a sign? Plus I'm already working on grip strength thanks to climbing, so I am eager to read more!

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Grip strength is all the rage and easy to work on but who knew?? A tennis pro just measured mine out of the blue. Love the 3 word purge BUT hmmm - first I have to think long and hard to find those and my closet doesn't offer too many clues. 😉

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I am slowly becoming a convert, but I love your overall approach to this crazy life. Thanks for what you share!!

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I’m addicted to signs! Literal, metaphorical, all the signs (my latest post starts with a sign lol). Congrats on making a human! AND making a new closet!🐿️🦧

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