You wrote that you fell short of your goal for this newsletter. What was the goal? I’ve been reading every week, and enjoying your writing. For me you’ve nailed it.

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The goal was a certain number of subscribers, which was arbitrary and based on nothing. But I have nearly quadrupled readers, and as evidenced by the comment section, they're all just the best. Learning to appreciate what I've done, and not just what I could do.

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Like so many things, the wind is a multiple of things. Without wind, our environment would collapse. Too much, and we're all blown away. Perhaps anxiety is a bit like that. Without that "wind" you might have caught Ben's awful flu or not known about the tumor. But too much of the kind of wind can also paralyze. You seem to have come close to the balance.

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Love that. Always working on it.

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I didn’t realize how much health anxiety I had prior to the pandemic UNTIL it all came rearing its ugly head for years straight during the pandemic. I know how uncomfortable it is to experience it, but it’s also really comforting for me to hear other people talk about theirs, to help me feel a little less crazy ❤️ so thanks, as always, for being honest and vulnerable.

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I could talk about this for hours.

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Not the point of your newsletter, but fitting to live in a literal Alpine Valley

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Full circle. Can't wait to take Ben to our origin story in April.

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Haha, we've considered "not (overly) windy" in our search for a new ideal place to settle, too. 👀🌬 Thanks for making me feel less picky in that regard! I feel like one can always dress for warmth and heat, but intense wind can be a real bummer. I'm glad you guys are prepped for a cozy winter, protected from the bone-chilling mountain overnight wind! Thanks for cherry-picking a few highlight pieces from your year of writing Shangrilogs—I've only been following you for the past monthish, so look forward to digging into these soon. 😊

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Oh I hope you enjoy them! (And wind was how we crossed Nederland off the list! Too many people described it as windy and I couldn't handle it.)

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So good…loved the audio and the pictures on the train…it’s fun to read your descriptions, imagine what it looks like, then to see it in close to real time…thank you!

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Thank you!

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Love this. Planning on cross-posting it. Those of us who have warm houses this winter to stand against the wind are fortunate indeed. Sounds like work well done!

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Oh I so appreciate that. <3

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Loved this. So much.

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Appreciate you!

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That wind is awesome! Okay, now to read the rest...

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Thank you for that playlist this week Kelton! Warmed up the house this morning!



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Oh hi! I'm so glad you liked it. 🎵💛

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Just wanted to let you know there is no link in this post to allow cross posting?

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Strange! I have cross-posting enabled. Not sure what to do about that.

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That is strange. Hope you get it fixed.

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