Siri, set a reminder for every morning that I am an aspen💪.

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My minerals will eventually nurture the beloved alpine silver firs in a special alpine meadow. I will eventually become part of three 15’ trees there now. I can’t imagine a better outcome than becoming fertilizer for such fragrant beauties! 🌲🏔🌌

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Now that is a beautiful way to become part of the earth again!

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I suspect I will have great company. My beloved cats (RIP2020) are already right there and no doubt many other souls. It’s very accessible.

There’s an Eagle Cliff viewing platform on the west side of The Mountain* that has been the site of so many scatterings, the soil is slightly frosted, if one looks closely. Has a stupendous view across to several glaciers.

I happened upon one just finished; a youth was very upset that some material had gotten on her shoe, and yet didn’t want to leave. It was just us. I asked about her uncle, said he must be an amazing person to be right there, especially where she can return to him. I think it helped. Technically it is illegal, but has been going on forever.

My dearest friend was scattered at the toe of a glacier in a nearby valley. I say hi on my way up higher on The Mountain.

*https://www.nps.gov/mora/planyourvisit/spray-park.htm Between 5 & 2 dots

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I like being in this grove. This is just gorgeous writing.

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Glad to have you in it.

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You so capture the dark hour moments, the wanting, the blessings, the connections.... all in bed with you sighing and purring.... rich writing. Thank you.

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My mom has a Frenchie too and she smells like Fritos. Silly puppies. They're the best.

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“For a moment, it is Cooper’s soft muffles I hear, but he slips back into the garden”

This leveled me. It’s been almost 5 years and yet those tiny moments of ‘presence’ get more and more rare. I’m still wrecked. Yes, that was month 4&6 of the whole pandemic. No hugs. No acknowledgement. Just a gaping hole still. I was only able to scatter their cremains this year. Some ‘pets’ are closer to us than any humans ever. 💔

I feel joy at the image of purring spinning plates. I actually saw that performance at a Solstice fest but not with cats! But now I can imagine! Thank you darling person. 😽

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I really enjoyed this piece, Kelton. I've just listened to your podcast, too - excited for the next ep!

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Oh I so appreciate that!

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Oh, this is exactly what I needed to read this morning 🖤 sending love from Denver, wishing I was more West with the aspens.

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Our grove is wide. <3

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Beautiful Kelton, as always.

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"I am not an oak, but an aspen". Beautiful.

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I have a special file: Wise Words.

Geniuses like Leonardo de Vinci and so many contemporary writers are in there. And strangers. Brilliant strangers.

And now you are. Deepest gratitude for your vision pronounced.

I also have a deep lifelong file of A words (also my name)

It’s such delight to Associate the beautiful Aspen tree to connectivity. And the largest living plant on the northern hemisphere. 💚

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Oh what sweetness! Thank you!

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