Dear Kelton, as an old man who still tilts at windmills and televised city councils, I urge you to wear your civic involvement proudly. It, the angst you feel and your willingness and energy are the love that you feel for those others that you disagree with. And for the land you reside in. You may not always push a position but you are allowed to feel your involvement.

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Hope you feel better soon. As for small town with town meeting government, these bad relationships are also relationships.

Good people can disagree and still be friends, though that is difficult when you start talking about solar arrays behind someone’s house and paving roads people want kept as dirt.

I’m not a believer that everyone needs to be friends, but I do believe we generally have to try stating civil. I do also know about disengaging.

After 20 years of being an activist, a state delegate numerous times, a person that organized signs, wrote citizen petitions and called congressmen, senators and federal agencies to change things for my former town, we have not engaged the past 2 years in our new, smaller Maine town (s). I will say that one major issue and town rift did have a good deal to do with us leaving - but it was ultimately much more than that driving the move.

I will say that the smaller the town, the harder it probably is to not engage...

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Let Rory and Lorelei (and Paris, cuz she’d be a good if not strict and talkative nurse) heal you 💘 feel better!

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And Nana!! (Paris’s nanny from high school - I love the scene when Paris has her come help with Doyle bc she realizes she can’t be pre-med if she hates sick people)

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Truly, I think you have no reason to apologize. Your post, at least for me, brought up some significant issues to ponder. I too live in a small town. In the bigger picture, grievances arise in every community, whether it be one with thousands of people, or like us, a small populace. What makes it a bit harder is knowing the people we are disagreeing with. But we can also take solace from that, because knowing someone you disagree with makes it much harder to dismiss them. We all have something to bring to the table. 💜

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Just wait until the episode where Stars Hollow gets a stop light! Can't remember which season its in.

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Our town is about the same size as yours. I am convinced from my too-frequent interactions with the town apparatus over my alcohol producing licenses that most people can hold only one problem in their minds. So long as I am not the problem du jour, I can get anything reasonable done fairly expeditiously. So if you want to change a different ordinance or propose something novel, now might be a good time to go for it.

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The mundane details of an uneventful week are more interesting than you might assume. I read lots of writers' diaries and correspondence and have come to love the small, telling details and the slow-paced moments. So don't worry about "bangers." Rest up! Took me 3 weeks to get over COVID, but the first two days were the worst. YMMV

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Ah, yes. I just went through this same thing but with a 200-foot cell tower. Now there's bad blood between the volunteer fire department and the neighborhood across the street where the people living do not want a giant tower sticking out of the trees above their homes. We had a tense, televised township meeting where the press skewed opinions and things got ugly. I'm not sure what your situation was like, but here the neighbors attempted to be collaborative while the FD ended up behaving like insurrectionists. I was so sad to hear and see what I did that night. My skin is not thick enough to deal with people who can't argue with logic and reason and conduct themselves with class. I hope your fellow townspeople were respectful even though they have differing opinions!

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I watched the entire series of GG while recuperating from back surgery and I found it mostly charming. Some characters (I’m looking at you Rory) did stupid things but overall it was just what I needed. My suggestion is not to think about it and just enjoy it!

I can’t remember is the Dragonfly Inn is in the first season but it will soon. I have a big soup bowl sized mug that has the logo on it that is in my “give away” pile. You’re welcome to it if you can figure out somewhere I can send it that won’t give away your personal Stars Hollow. I remember the mayor forbid you from naming your town in you newsletter. Let me know! Rest up Kelton 🥣

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Hope you feel better soon Kelton!

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oh my how I can relate to this, though I don't live in a small town (rather, a HOA with many differing views). It's like, how do you ever reconcile with differences too big to set aside? It's a never ending question I know I'll never have the answer to.

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How right you are... I have experienced this in at least 3 small villages. What starts out as a warm and snug community can easily sour over ridiculous issues... who cheated on the tombola / who wants a wind tower versus whose house will be affected / who wants the village to grow versus who wants it to remain a village... I was never thick skinned enough to survive.

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Ug-ghhh, I'm so sorry you got hit with the 'vid!! Rest, rest, rest -- longer than you think you should be.

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Oof. Feel better soon!

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I love being informed and involved locally, but I know for sure that I do not have skin anywhere near thick enough for local politics. People are so mean! I chaired an arts commission in my town and hoo boy did people get aggressive and entitled. I sucked as chair because I had no idea how to herd those angry cats. "Why are we so angry about art? Art is awesome and I want more of it here." Didn't seem to register. It took me most of my life to realize that we weren't all meant to agree and get along as a group because we literally have never, and thanks, I hate it.

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We love your writing, and your weeks off, because it powers the writing! Rest up. Season 3 remains my all-time fave of Gilmore Girls.

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