I’ve moved a lot and traveled to a lot of places thanks to my last job, and I feel like I’ve been looking for “home” for so long, so I teared up reading that you feel like you found yours. People constantly ask me how I like ABQ, and it’s been great for what I needed (which was, in large part, to get out of LA), but I always say “it’s also not my landing spot.” What is? I dunno, I don’t think I’m at that part of the journey yet, but I still think about it all the time 🥲💙

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Good for now is still better than DC lol

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Loved this piece and made me think about my own wanderings. And people always asking me which was your favorite place to live? Such a hard question as I loved them all until I didn't. Glad you have found somewhere you love.

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Favorite is hard. It’s like choosing your favorite movie or song - for what mood? For what time of day? How can I pick?!

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Loved this!! I've moved all around the country for most of my life. I always thought home was in my favorite places lived, until they no longer fit, or I didn't fit.

I've lived in this state since 2019. It's not my forever place. Have you ever lived in a place where you tried to fit into 'their version' of home? I'm doing so now, and failing with flying colors. My goal is to find that geographical place where my version of being at one with the land is accepted and that place I will call 'home' - it's been a while since it's happened... but one thing for certain: where EVER I am with my husband and I hang my hat and say "honey, I'm home" and he's there to greet me, it feels like I'm on top of the world. So I'll keep searching for the place to one day hang my hat, and keep my heart with my husband always and forever... and that gives me the strength to live almost anywhere. Great read, thank you.

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I loved this Kelton, such a good read. Makes me excited for the adventures ahead in my own life. So uncertain of where I'll end up but with so many possibilities. Rural mountain living sounds like a pretty neat life to me, and one that calls me every time I leave Toronto for the mountains of Western Canada.

Thanks for writing :)

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It’s kinda interesting- never really thought about how the choices that I made as a parent on where we lived, may or may not have affected the future choices of where they might wanna live. My oldest just moved out to go to college this year and boy has that been a transition.

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I imagine raising mine in the middle of nowhere will make them love the city 😂

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Love this article - love your story. As a military brat and son of two parents that eventually settled “somewhere else” - I understand the sense and vibe of not belonging or being accepted into a place.

20 years in one seaside town in Massachusetts I loved was by far the most I ever spent in one place. I thought it was forever and broke those walls down to eventually be a part of the town, only to pack up and leave after feeling the town had grown into something else.

We moved to Maine - where we were already spending winters - but “do we think we will stay?” I think we will, but age and circumstances may make that decision for us, but (like you) the intention is there…

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It's fun to read about all of your travels! I traveled quite a bit (and moved from France to here, talk about culture shock), but I still wish I'd have done even more than I did. I'm glad you've (probably) found your place. It's a great place to raise kids. :)

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I remember when you were writing about each date you went on but had no idea about your past beyond that. You’ve lived a life Kelton and thank you so much for sharing it with us. <3

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🙏 Thanks for being witness to it!

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“if we’re meant to be friends, I’ll see you around.”

Man, that’s middle school mean girl level COLD.

I appreciate the serendipity of finding new friends, but that’s a garden to nurture, not trample.

I’m so happy for you. That’s an amazing place for a baby to meet the planet soon. Spoiled for life!

I’m deeply attached to my native location (barely still here) but as to ever having my own real home? Never gonna happen. Homelessness is always around the corner when “low income” apartments require three times my SS check.

Where is ‘AWAY’ for senior women? Few of us are veterans. Where’s my reservation?

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The housing crisis in this nation is embarrassing.

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People are asking me this all the time! How long will you stay in Italy? The answer is: I don't know. I miss California so much. We'll see...

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